Wedding Videography

Wedding Videography in Maine, New England, and Worldwide
Capture every memory with our wedding videography
Enhance your wedding memories with our videography services, a perfect complement to our photography. At Two Adventurous Souls, we believe that while photos capture the essence of a moment, videos bring it to life, allowing you to relive the laughter, tears, and joyous celebrations as if you were there again. Our videographer works seamlessly alongside our photographer, ensuring that every significant moment is captured without intruding on your day.
From the subtle nuances of your vows to the vibrant energy of the dance floor, our high-definition videos encapsulate the full spectrum of your wedding day emotions. We craft cinematic stories that weave together the candid, unscripted moments with the day’s highlights, creating a beautiful, moving memoir of your special day. Add videography to your package, and experience your wedding story told through a dynamic and emotive lens, ensuring no part of your day is forgotten.
- EWedding Videograpy
- EEngagements & Proposals
- EElopements & Adventure Weddings
- EDestination Weddings
- EDrone & Underwater Cameras

Wedding Videography Gallery
Summer Wedding at The Bar Harbor Inn – Wedding Video
The Colony Hotel in Kennebunkport Wedding Video
Spring Apple Orchard in Standish Wedding Video
Danversport Yacht Club Wedding Video
Bar Harbor Regency Maine Wedding Video
Cathedral Ledge Adventure Wedding in New Hampshire
Adventure Wedding Aboard the Nicte Ha in Portland, Maine
Sueño del Mar, Guanacaste Costa Rica Wedding Video
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