I’ve been totally slacking on our “Travel Tuesday” posts – hopefully in the new year I will be much better at blogging these! While I love showcasing our sessions and weddings on the blog, I also think it’s important to share what we do when we aren’t Adventure and Maine Wedding Photographers!
Over the summer we rarely have a free moment to ourselves, but this past July we had a whole week! When a last minute inquiry came in but didn’t end up booking we took it as a sign to head north! I don’t know why we haven’t done this before, we’ve always talked about it! Hopewell Rocks is about a 6-7 hour drive from our house in Southern Maine, so it’s not really that bad! Especially if you make the drive at night. Our goal was to get to watch sunset over the eastern most areas of the Maine coast on the drive but a few extra stops here and there along the way, we have two kids so no road trip ever goes as planned, we didn’t end up getting to see the sunset over the ocean. Thats okay! There were plenty more amazing scenes once we crossed the border and headed to Hopewell Rocks.
One of the highlights for the kids was getting to tour the butterfly gardens that happened to be across the street from our hotel. It was really awesome to see some of the butterfly species up close and even had them land on us! A highlight for Dean and I was the Tim Horton’s coffee shop. A few years back the closed most of their US stores, while we are happy a Holy Donut moved into Scarborough in their old space, we did miss that delicious “Double Double”. The hotel also had a pool so there was an evening of cannonball competitions as well which was pretty fun!
Most of this trip was documented with our GoPro as it was pretty new to us at the time so we really wanted to get to use it but we did also take some photos with our “real” cameras. I didn’t realize until I was editing the images just how many selfies we took!
Adventure Photographers in Canada
I have zero idea what that creature is below, but it’s a big fat NOPE.